What does essence even mean?
Es-sence [noun]-
the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something especially something abstract, that determines character. Webster describes it in an analogy, essence is like the odor to the perfume.
Let’s look at a few scriptures.
Hebrews 1:3, Colossians1:19, Colossians 2:9, Mark 14:3-9, Revelation 19:10, John 12:3, Matthew 7:12, Matthew 26:6-13, Luke 7:36-50, John 12:1-8
Several times the Bible mentions the word essence. One scenario in Mark 4 starting in verse 3, the Bible mentions a story of a woman who came to where Jesus was in Bethany. He was having supper with some men when she comes in, breaks her alabaster jar of oil and pours it over Jesus’ head. (I don’t know if you’ve ever broken a bottle of perfume before, but you better believe that within seconds, that aroma filled the entire home with its essence)
We’ve heard this story so many times as children haven’t we? But wait. If you read on in this story, you will see that she didn’t fear what people thought of her. She clearly loved Jesus on a deep level and knew in her heart that He was the Messiah. She took the most precious and most expensive thing she owned, broke the jar, and poured it over Jesus. There is a song that I love so much by Kim Walker, it goes something like this, “Im gonna waste it all on you, I’m gonna pour my hearts perfume, I don’t care if I’m called a fool, I’m wasting it all on you”. As she bathed His feet in her tears and kissed them, I’m almost positive that she knew she looked absolutely crazy, yet…she did it anyway.
What’s driving your ministry? Is it the “have to” mentality that we so often create in our minds as a way to earn brownie points with God? How about the “I need to”? This might sound a bit sharp, but God doesn’t NEED me or you to do anything!
We need to understand something very important from this woman who served Jesus in such a unique way. (Jesus even prophesied that this woman would be spoken of as a memorial to her and so it is.) What flows in your inner most being (your soul) will naturally flow out of you into others as you minister. So if our soul is being fueled by toxic things, don’t you think we would become toxic ourselves? (Im speaking to those of us that are born again believers that are filled with the Holy Spirit and walk in communion with Him and if you aren’t, message me privately.)
It’s very easy to become complacent (too comfortable) and soon we find ourselves unhappy, negative, and withdrawing from God. What we don’t realize is we have now given off a stench. It’s now affecting people around us, the ministry we’ve been called to, and our relationship with our heavenly Daddy.
Guys, I can’t help but release a heavy sigh when I see mighty men and woman of God falling under this category, falling into sin, and getting under condemnation. Such incredible callings upon many lives, yet are pulled into the cares of this world with worry, fear, and doubt. Remember that the enemy goes to and fro seeking whom he may devour. DON’T BE DEVOUR-ABLE!
Jesus replies to this woman who was in sin and says “your sins are forgiven, your faith has saved you.”
How incredible. Yet so simple. “Go. Your faith has saved you…”
She did these things OUT OF LOVE and BY FAITH. (Hey look at that, those are two of the fruit of the Spirit! She wasn’t even filled with the Spirit or born again.)
Friends, my main objective here is to help bring you into the place of humbly coming before the Lord and asking Him to search your heart. Where are you operating out from? What essence is coming from the ministry God has called you into? How much of the alabaster are we willing to pour out on Jesus? A few drops or the full jar? If the Holy Spirit is touching you, repent quickly, get back to your feet, and allow Him to guide you into all truth. He is Joy, He is Love, He is all these wonderful things and so much more. Let’s allow the beautiful essence of the Holy Spirit to flow out from us so that we would be true ministers of the Gospel, representing the greatest Legacy who walked the face of the earth, King JESUS!
Daily, walk out your salvation and let the essence of Jesus Christ fill every room you enter for the purpose of radiating His beauty to the lost and broken. Love you guys.
Till next time,
Yana Gorlachev