Catching The Wave

person surfing

Have you ever watched a surfer catch a perfect wave? I’ve personally only attempted to surf once or twice, but I enjoy watching them. A surfer knows the currant, has the timing, has the position, and moves when they spot the perfect wave. It’s quite exhilarating I’m sure when you catch it and it takes you where it’s going…to shore.

I’d like to compare the wave to a revival and the surfer being a believer; as we lean our ears in to hear, what we hear is going to sound like a mighty rushing wind of the Holy Spirits voice saying “Release me! Release me to the dry and thirsty people! I want to touch my people, heal their land so that they may know Me!” There are waves of revival that are here and more that come behind that we need to CATCH. This is the season to CATCH His movements. Hear what He’s speaking and Do what He’s doing. There is an URGENCY for believers to rise up and eat (read my previous post for more context)!

My heart is crying out for the broken…you know why it cries? Because Jesus died and rose for them and they have not yet heard. What are WE doing to share the blessed and good news?

I believe that there are people here that are reading this post that God has told you to write that song, take that position, or even tell that dream to a brother which were downloads from heaven for direction, encouragement and comfort.

Brothers, sisters; don’t hold back. Peoples eternities are at stake and we must feel the urgency of the Holy Spirit to be obedient.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Just as God spoke to Joshua then, He speaks to us NOW.

God is with you! Be strong and courageous, what can mere men do to you? They can try to take your life but the Lord your God will protect you. Psalm 91. You just need to MOVE to activate the call.

As some of you have followed our journey over the years and have read or heard our testimony; it’s not always that we feel encouraged to go, to do, and to uproot the family. We have to stand on the word of God, remind ourselves that He has the final say and we don’t. I gave “me” up the moment I surrendered to the Lord.

“And so dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice-the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. ” Romans 1:1

This is a word for you today.

The closer you get to Jesus, the louder you’ll hear His sweet voice and the greater satisfaction you’ll experience when you’re in His very will.

A little update on us: Our family is well and in good health. They send you their love and greetings from across the globe. We’ve started our birthday season in March with Andrey turning 38! Next, Moses and I turn a year older and the remainder of the children follow. How fast the time flies hey? Wow, God is so good to us. It is always such a pleasure to count the blessings of the Lord and continually remind ourselves to be thankful for every small and large thing.

Thank you friends for all your prayers and support. Would you please stand in prayer specifically for this up-coming season that our family and team is about to enter? For now, I will hold back from sharing but will soon release it to all of you. Please pray for guidance, for open doors, for favor with officials and leaders, for additional team members and for joy and peace to be a covering that is always present no matter the challenges we face.

If you would like to support our family, the ministry we do; please follow the link below.

When you click on the link, you’ll be able to read a little more about our family. All funds are tax deductible and are allocated to our ministry specifically.

Thank you friends, may the precious and holy presence of the Lord guide you into all peace and understanding. We love you; so until next time, we bless you and your family in the mighty name of Jesus!

Yana Gorlachev

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