a sign hanging in the glass door

Dearest friends, partners, and nation shakers-Happy New Year!!!

It’s been such an amazing year full of testimonies, stories, challenges and victories. Thank you to all of our supporters who stand by us as we reach the nations with our local team here in Zambia (and across the world) to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached people!

This post I’ll start off by listing our greatest need right now, it’s the need of faithful partners that will join the vision of reaching every person with the gospel and partnering up with us on a monthly or annual basis. We’ve created a chart to show how much we need as we had some supporters drop and since then have had a child added to our family and some massive ministry doors opened for us to walk through.

As the Lord expands our grounds of influence, we as a support body must expand our faith in finances. We cannot do this without you. We are believing the Lord to stir your hearts in order to reach our goal of monthly support in the next month. Please help us by joining our team, if you’re already a partner and would like to increase your giving, and/or give a one-time gift that could go towards another vehicle, travel, or flight tickets. I’ll leave a link below on how you can do that. It’s simple, it’s fast, and most importantly-it is an eternal impact that you GET to make. All funds go strictly towards our families personal and ministry needs.

We have dedicated our families lives to living in the remote in order to physically be here for the needs of the people of Zambia. Our desire is to see millions of people delivered, healed, baptized, saved, and discipled. Join hands with us as we deliver the heart of Jesus to the nations!

To become a monthly/annual supporter, go to , fill in your info and on the “donation memo” make sure to type in GORLACHEVS 3244 so that you’re giving is directed accordingly. Select reoccurring monthly donation or annual donation-then submit and your done!

Thanks for helping us reach hundreds of people with this need- feel free to share this post link along to friends, co-workers, and family. Another amazing idea would be for you to pitch this to your pastor r missions coordinator at your church and ask tfor them to consider partnering up with us as a church. We look forward to meeting many of you in person this coming year (God willing in Nov. 2022)and share the amazing things that WE do together!

Now here are some updates on the last several weeks…

Ministry & Team has looked very different this season in comparison to all the rest, reason being that our ministry partners have been at training at the Batoka base (southern province) for the past three months as well as the Fairchild’s and the Mulala’s have been away and building up their support team so we’ve had to change gears in a sense of who we move around with and how to work more efficiently as a team. 

Our team was able to meet with Queen Nzimane and Queen Madzimawe right before we left to Livingstone for the Holidays. What a meeting we had. As we fellowshipped and ministered to her, she in return began opening up her heart to us and shared her struggles and how God is teaching her lessons of Christ-like character. The royal families tend to be more secretive about their personal lives because of their status and depending on which tribe they come from, but when the Kingdom of God is introduced to these beautiful people, all guards come down and what’s left is a child longing for their Father to embrace and hug them. Life away from the Lord is dark-especially with the amount of witchcraft that takes place here, and the presence of God is like a breath of fresh air.

We held a Queens conference in a town called Nyimba several weeks ago, and it was AMAZING. I can’t begin to tell you about all the things that took place there, but what I will say is that the Holy Spirit was flowing and speaking and anointing these women for great and mighty things. The Queens program is beginning to take in different provinces, and soon and different countries.The move of God is birthed where obedience begins.

If you follow us on instagram (yana.gorlachev), then you would already have seen the amount of goats and sheep we have accumulated in the last 6 weeks. It’s been a wild, fun learning curve for us as we treat these goats medically, feed them locally, and build them homes where they can flourish and multiply in order to become a self-sustainable source of income for our ministry partners and continue funding the programs that are currently running.This is additional reason why we are asking for additional partners to join our team.Livestock requires medicine, vet care, additional grains, and just overall additional care from hired workers as we are ministering/homeschooling and cannot tend to the flocks as they require much work. In order for our local leaders to remain in full time ministry, they need to have a source that sustains their family and this is a way where we feel the Lord has opened some doors for us here.

Sekelani and Astone have began keeping chickens and just added a few pigs to their small farm that will son become a source of income for them and for the ministry that they lead in various villages and districts.

Ministry is always exciting, full of adventure and testimonies, connect with us on instagram and Facebook to watch our stories from day to day.

Family is a beautiful painting, although God is the creator of the canvas, brushes and paints…we GET to paint. Although we miss you all dearly, we have a mission to stay the course and run the race. Our children have never lacked a single thing since we decided to act upon the call that God placed on our lives. THE DEMAND THAT GOD PLACES ON EVERY BELIEVER IS TO OBEY. “MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE, AND I KNOW THEM, AND THEY FOLLOW ME.” Continue reading on – John 10:27-30.

Friends, God is calling us into a season of surrender…please hear my heart…there will never be a better place to come into than to surrender you life, your plans, your family, your career, your ambitions, your creative ideas, your dreams to the Lord…YOU WILL NEVER LACK ANYTHING. Instead, you will experience the greatest victories, greatest joys, and the greatest satisfaction out of utter surrender to His lordship. Thats a promise of His. And HE my friends-NEVER breaks His promises.

We serve a faithful God, we serve Yeshua. The great I AM. Who is yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever the same.

We pray that this new year (which is in fact a few hours away), you will decide to allow yourself to become more vulnerable to the Lord, to pursue Him deeper, and to begin to love others with selfless motives. Christ-likeness isn’t born-it’s made.

Till next time my beautiful people, we love you so much. YOU ARE FAMILY.

The Gorlachev Family

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